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Trends That Will Shake Up The SEO World In The Future

Nicolas Bouchand posted on Twitter that he is working on his thesis and selected SEO as the subject. He asked on Twitter "What do you think are the trends that will shake up the sector and that will absolutely have to be mastered?" John Mueller of Google retweeted it and I thought the responses were interesting. Weiter...

Google May See Web Pages As Duplicates if URLs Too Similar via @MattGSouthern

Google uses a predictive method to detect duplicate content based on URL patterns, which could lead to pages being incorrectly identified as duplicates.The post Google May See Web Pages As Duplicates if URLs Too Similar via @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal. Weiter...

Daily Search Forum Recap: March 9, 2021

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today... Weiter...

Subdomain vs. Subfolder, Is One Better Than the Other for SEO?

Let’s look at why SEOs argue over this topic and how it really works. Which is best for SEO? SEO case studies Reasons for traffic differences SEOs have argued about this for as long as I can remember. Many SEOs… Read more › The post Subdomain vs. Subfolder, Is One Better Than the Other for SEO? appeared first on SEO Blog by Ahrefs. Weiter...

Perfecting Your Brand’s Tone of Voice for SEO Copywriting via @JuliaEMcCoy

Content alone won’t help you build long-lasting customer relationships. It’s your tone of voice that makes all the difference. Learn how to hone it here.The post Perfecting Your Brand’s Tone of Voice for SEO Copywriting via @JuliaEMcCoy appeared first on Search Engine Journal. Weiter...

Google PageSpeed Insights Now Supports HTTP/2 - Scores Might Go Up

Google announced that its PageSpeed Insights tool as of March 3, 2021 uses http/2 to make network requests, that is if the server supports it. If your site is on HTPT/2, you may see your PageSpeed Insights scores go up as a result. No, your rankings won't go up as a result but just a heads up. Weiter...

When Losing A Google Featured Snippet Hurts

A couple of weeks ago we reported a steep dive in the number of featured snippets Google showed in its search results. Those numbers have not improved and not it is settling in that this may be the new norm - for now. Glenn Gabe shared some examples of sites that lost featured snippets on Twitter. Weiter...

Google Search Does Not Use Blockchain (For Timestamps)

Google's John Mueller asked if it would help if a site timestamped its content and pages using blockchain. John responded "Google doesn't use that." In short, he said Google does not use blockchain for search. Weiter...

Google: When Unindexing Pages From Search Use Noindex, Not Robots.txt

Google's John Mueller said on Twitter that when you want to "unindex," remove indexed pages from Google Search, you should not block Google with robots.txt, but rather use noindex. He said only unindex pages when if you don't care if the page doesn't rank but if you want it to rank, then improve the page. Weiter...
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