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Google Hole Light Room


Google On Pagination: Would It Be Okay If The Page Was Only Accessible Via Your Site

Most SEOs I know are still grumbling a little about the rel=next and rel=prev is no longer supported, as of two years ago. Google did give us pagination SEO advice in an unstructured format a while ago but really has not put together a document SEOs can reference to deal with pagination. Weiter...

March 2021 Google Webmaster Report

Here is the monthly Google Webmaster Report where I sum up the more important topics webmasters and SEOs care about when it comes to Google organic search. This past month was super busy with numerous unconfirmed updates, passage ranking rolling out, the upcoming page experience update and mobile-first indexing and so much more. Weiter...

Google Recommends Pyramid Navigation Structure For Large Sites

A couple of months ago John Mueller of Google was asked a question about a site with a mega menu of about 1,000 links in it but those links would dynamically change based on user action. John responded that it might be an issue for Google to understand a menu that has that many links and changes that often. Weiter...

Poll: Is There A Shortage Of SEO Talent?

Abby Reimer posted a Twitter poll that asks is there a shortage of SEO talent available on the market. The poll is open for the next several hours, so please take it. It does seem like there are a lot of jobs on the market currently hiring SEOs but that is not based on any data collection process. Weiter...

Daily Search Forum Recap: March 2, 2021

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today... Weiter...

How to Become an SEO Freelancer — Lessons Learned from 10+ Years in the Industry

After looking for a new job and attending six rounds of interviews, it finally dawned on me: Full-time SEO freelancing was a real option for me. The reason I say ‘full-time’ is because I’ve been freelancing part-time since 2010. From… Read more › The post How to Become an SEO Freelancer — Lessons Learned from 10+ Years in the Industry appeared first on SEO Blog by Ahrefs. Weiter...

How to Perform an In-Depth Technical SEO Audit via @annaleacrowe

Learn a step-by-step process for creating a comprehensive technical SEO audit for your clients.The post How to Perform an In-Depth Technical SEO Audit via @annaleacrowe appeared first on Search Engine Journal. Weiter...

Google Wall Frames Sleep Pod


Google Chrome To Support Scroll To Text Links With Images & Videos

So we've seen Google do the scroll to text fragment links for a while now, with featured snippets and some product listings in search. Soon it might also come to images and videos. Weiter...
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